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Four Women from the Lineage of Christ
Chris Walls
Tamar---Genesis 38:13-30
Rahab---Joshua 2:1
Ruth---Ruth 1:3
Bathsheba---2 Sam 11

What do these four women show us about God?

1) Shows us the power of God's grace.

For them to be included in the lineage of Jesus is a powerful testament to God's grace. Three of these women were true Gentiles. Tamar was a Canaanite, Rahab was also a gentile, Ruth was a Moabite, Bathsheba was probably an Israelite; but because she married a Hittite, she was viewed as a Hittite.

You have to remember that Matthew was writing this to Jews, who did not have a high view of women, much less Gentiles. So, for God to allow these Gentiles to be part of the lineage of Jesus was a sign that His grace is available to all that accept Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

It also emphasizes the task of the Israelites to be a blessing to all people. That was the covenant that God made with Abraham. That God would make Abraham's name great and that his descendants were to be a blessing to the people of the world. Up until this time, except in a few cases this had not been done. The people of Israel had been selfish in what God had done for them.

In the same way God has given us the opportunity to be a blessing to the people of the world. The blessing that we have to give is the offer of God's grace through his son Jesus Christ. The question is are we going to be selfish like the Jews and keep that news to ourselves, or are we going to do what God wants us to do and that is to be a blessing to the world.

2) Shows us the unconditional nature of God's grace.

When we look at these women all four of them have a very tainted past. First, you have Tamar, who dressed up like a prostitute and conned her father-in-law into sleeping with her, so that she could have a portion of the inheritance she felt she deserved. Second, there is Rahab, who was the harlot that allowed the two spies to stay at her house to hide in ...

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