Title: Holy New Year!
Author: James Merritt
Text: Psalm 119
1. It is the start of a new year and we are all in the same boat. It is called "social jetlag" but I call it a "Holiday Hangover." You have slept late, taken time off of work, partyed it up, ditched your diet, enjoyed the new gadgets, swapped your gifts, but now it is time to re-enter the real world of traffic, alarm clocks, school, and making a living.You have neither the will nor the energy to do it.
2. Oh dear, it's a new year. You have been going ninety-miles-an hour. You have nothing left in the tank but duty calls. So what kind of year will this year be for you?
3. We know it's a new year but we don't know whether or not it is our last year and for some it will be. There are those among us that saw this new year in, but they won't see this new year out. We have no control over whether or not it is our last year, but we can control whether or not it is our best year.
4. One of my favorite places in the world is Athens, Greece. In Athens, statues are everywhere. There was once a statue of a man there with flowing hair in front of his face, but it was completely bald in the back.The image said you could grab it when it was coming toward you, but you could never get hold of it once it passed. We should treat a new year just like that; you can grab every day that is before you, but once it is passed it is gone. To do that you must refuel and make sure your tank is full every day.
5. As I look back on my life the greatest single habit I established was a one as a child thanks to my mother who got me to do it. It is something we all can do and it is this - I read the Bible every day.
6. I can testify that getting into God's Word every day has saved me more heartache, given me more wisdom, protected me from more mistakes, infused me with more comfort, and provided me more encouragement than anything I have ever done in my life.
7. If you are not in the h ...
Author: James Merritt
Text: Psalm 119
1. It is the start of a new year and we are all in the same boat. It is called "social jetlag" but I call it a "Holiday Hangover." You have slept late, taken time off of work, partyed it up, ditched your diet, enjoyed the new gadgets, swapped your gifts, but now it is time to re-enter the real world of traffic, alarm clocks, school, and making a living.You have neither the will nor the energy to do it.
2. Oh dear, it's a new year. You have been going ninety-miles-an hour. You have nothing left in the tank but duty calls. So what kind of year will this year be for you?
3. We know it's a new year but we don't know whether or not it is our last year and for some it will be. There are those among us that saw this new year in, but they won't see this new year out. We have no control over whether or not it is our last year, but we can control whether or not it is our best year.
4. One of my favorite places in the world is Athens, Greece. In Athens, statues are everywhere. There was once a statue of a man there with flowing hair in front of his face, but it was completely bald in the back.The image said you could grab it when it was coming toward you, but you could never get hold of it once it passed. We should treat a new year just like that; you can grab every day that is before you, but once it is passed it is gone. To do that you must refuel and make sure your tank is full every day.
5. As I look back on my life the greatest single habit I established was a one as a child thanks to my mother who got me to do it. It is something we all can do and it is this - I read the Bible every day.
6. I can testify that getting into God's Word every day has saved me more heartache, given me more wisdom, protected me from more mistakes, infused me with more comfort, and provided me more encouragement than anything I have ever done in my life.
7. If you are not in the h ...
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