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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Mark 10:1-52
This content is part of a series.

Title: Tough Teachings From the Teacher (16)
Series: Gospel of Mark
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Mark 10:1-52

I - Divorce Discussed (1 - 12)

II - Displeasure Diagnosed (13 - 16)

III - Division Discovered (17 - 22)

IV - Disciples Dismayed (23 - 27)

V - Dividends Distributed (28 - 31)

VI - Distress Divulged (32 - 34)

VII - Dissension Displayed (35 - 45)

VIII - Disease Dismissed (46 - 52)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

In the scriptures before us, we find the Lord dealing with issue after issue, as he discusses marriage and divorce, the simplicity of salvation, the sad case of the rich young ruler, the danger of allowing riches to rob you of being saved, the rewards of being a true follower, his coming suffering in Jerusalem, the disputing over James and John wanting the choice seats in the coming kingdom, and the healing of Blind Bartimaeus.

I - Divorce Discussed (1 - 12)

This chapter begins with a bang, as fireworks fly into the air, because the Pharisees are now front and center, hoping to trip Jesus up on the subject and the matter of divorce. In reality, none of the leaders cared as to what the Lord thought, they merely wanted to trap him, hoping they might find some sort of scriptural weapon to use against him.

The only issue with that reasoning, was that he was the author of the word!!!

A) The Law's Input (1 - 5)

Mar 10:1 KJV - And he arose from thence, and cometh into the coasts of Judaea by the farther side of Jordan: and the people resort unto him again; and, as he was wont, he taught them again.

Jesus goes to the vicinity of Judea, located near the Jordan River, and while there he is going to do some teaching. One of the greatest things about the Lord and his ministry was that he was the master teacher. There has never been nor will there ever be, such a mighty teacher as Jesus Christ.

Mar 10:2 KJV - And the Pharisees came to him, and asked him, Is it lawful ...

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