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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Mark 9:1-29
This content is part of a series.

Title: Transfigured, Troubled, & Triumphant (14)
Series: Gospel of Mark
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Mark 9:1-29

I - The Holy Transfiguration (1 - 10)

II - The Hard Question (11 - 13)

III - The Hopeless Situation (14 - 29)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

We have a notable mountain in our hometown, it is called "Fort Mountain" and it is known for the mysterious rock wall that covers a massive area on top of the mountain and it also has this odd-looking rock tower, and we do not really know who built this or why it was built. Let us see the following mounts:

10 Significant Mountains In The Bible That You Should Know

1. Mount Sinia

Arguably one of the most popular mountains in the Bible, Mount Sinai-also known as Mount Horeb-was where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. It is also where God lead his people after freeing them from Egypt. Mount Sinai is quite the significant mountain in the Bible, as it is where the Lord makes a covenant with the Israelite people. At the present time, many believe it to be a mountain in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt.

2. Mount Carmel

Mount Carmel is where Elijah famously challenged the prophets of Baal and proved that the Lord is our ultimate God. Today, Mount Carmel is a coastal mountain range in northern Israel, where it is a UNESCO biosphere reserve.
3. Mount of Olives

The Mount of Olives is known for hosting many of Jesus' activities during His time on earth. It is one of the rather popular mountains in the New Testament. In Bible verses about mountains, it is where He prays before His crucifixion. It is also where He ascends into heaven and is said to be the location where He will return once more. The Mount of Olives is also where David flees after his song rejected him as king. Moreover, many tourists visit the Mount of Olives in Israel, where one can truly feel a sense of hope as they are reminded of God praying at that very site.

4. Mount Zion

The ...

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