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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Matthew 19:16-22, Romans 3:23
This content is part of a series.

Why Can't I Just Save Myself? (4 of 5)
Series: Questioning Christianity
Jordan Easley
Matthew 19:16-22, Romans 3:23

Why can't I just save myself?

Muhammad Ali (in my opinion) was the greatest boxer of all time. He was known as the King of the Ring. He knew how to "Float like a butterfly... and sting like a bee." And like he said, "You can't hit what your eyes don't see." Ali was extremely confident inside the ring because he knew that he truly was the greatest! ...Inside the ring, there was no one that exuded more confidence than he did... and he carried that confidence with him, outside the ring, as well.

In fact, one day, the Champ was traveling on an airplane-making his way to one of his many title fights. He had taken his seat on a 747 which was starting to taxi down the runway for take-off, when all the sudden, the flight attendant walked by and noticed that Ali hadn't buckled his seatbelt, and so she said to him, "Please fasten your seatbelt."

Well... long story short... He didn't do it. The flight took off and Ali remained unbuckled... but within just a few minutes, the plane started experiencing severe turbulence, which caused the flight attendant to once again, make her rounds and make sure that everyone on the plane was safe.

As she passed by, she noticed that Ali still wasn't wearing his seatbelt... so she said to him: "Sir, PLEASE fasten your seatbelt." And once again, he shrugged her off and disregarded her comment. And the way he did it... His non-response... came across as very arrogant and completely disrespectful!

Well now, the flight attendant was upset. She wasn't having it! So, this time, she raised her voice a little louder... she wanted to make sure that he could hear... so she said, "SIR, YOU NEED TO BUCKLE UP RIGHT NOW!" ...when she said that, Ali looked up proudly... he snapped his head around, he looked her in the eyes and said, "Ma'am... Superman don't need no SEATBELT."

Without hesitation she responde ...

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