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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Genesis 1:31, Revelation 21:4
This content is part of a series.

Why Would a Good God Allow Evil & Suffering (2 of 5)
Series: Questioning Christianity
Jordan Easley
Genesis 1:31, Revelation 21:4

Why would a good God allow evil & suffering?

I don't have to work very hard to convince you... that there is evil and pain and suffering in this world. We see it and we experience it... nearly every single day.

We live in a world with... Abuse and Racism and Wars... We see murders and mass-shootings & abuse of all kinds...

And as many of us evaluate the landscape of the world as we know it, we're left asking the question, "Why? Why has God allowed all these BAD things to happen? Why is there so much EVIL? Why are there so many people SUFFERING?

That "Why?" question goes back thousands of years. It's a question that was asked in the Old Testament by Job... and by the writers of the Psalms. It's a question that every single generation has asked... really... since the beginning of time.

People were asking "WHY" during the Holocaust... They were asking "WHY" when airplanes struck the Twin Towers.... They were asking "WHY" during the pandemic as millions of people were dying of COVID. People continue asking "WHY" even today... as Israel defends herself against Hamas. WHY would a good God... allow so many bad things to happen?

That question remains relevant today... not only regarding global tragedies or world events... but also in our personal life. Some of you may be asking that question today... because you're walking through a season of suffering yourself, and you're wondering 'WHY GOD?' Why me? Why now?

Many of us know what it's like to experience illness and abuse... We've experienced broken relationships ... and betrayal ... and broken hearts. Many here today have experienced sorrow and grief and disappointment and loss... and when you experience these things firsthand... the natural response for us as humans... is to ask the question... WHY?

In my 22+ years of ministry-that's probably the one ...

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