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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Joshua 24:14-28

Title: Let the Record Show (28 of 29)
Series: Walking in Victory-Lessons in Triumphant Christian Living from the Book of Joshua
Author: Mike Stone
Text: Joshua 24:14-28

Canaan is not a picture of heaven. This book is not a picture of what God wants to do in your life one day in heaven. Rather, Canaan a picture of what God wants to do for you today on earth. Canaan is a picture of victory.

And tonight, we will see that one key to walking in victory is the making and the keeping of commitments. It's the powerful story of a group of people who wanted the record to show they had decided to follow the Lord God.

I want to share with you today one decision that will revolutionize your home, this church, this community, and this entire nation. It is the decision that a 110 year old man named Joshua makes before the Nation of Israel over 3,000 years ago.

1. The making of a parental choice (14-15)

He speaks not as a president in charge of the Israelite army
He is not speaking as a prophet to the Israelite nation.
He is not even speaking as a preacher to the congregation.

But he is speaking as a patriarch, as a daddy, with a family. He says, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." And there are 3 things I want you to notice about this choice.

A. An unambiguous charge (14)

Joshua doesn't stammer or stutter. He doesn't back up and back down. When Joshua got through speaking you may not have agreed with him, but you wouldn't have wondered what he was saying.

Put away ingratitude. Hence the walk down memory lane we looked at last week.
Put away irreverence. Fear the Lord. Act like there's a God!
Put away insincerity. You've been taught better.
Put away idolatry. Make the true God your #1 priority.

And Joshua didn't sound like a weak-kneed wuss as he stood to call for a commitment.
No doubt, somebody today might have said, "Joshua, it's not WHAT you said, it's HOW you said it. I agree with you Brother Joshua but you sounded harsh ...

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