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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Joshua 23:1-16

Title: A Fork in the Road of Life (26 of 29)
Series: Walking in Victory-Lessons in Triumphant Christian Living from the Book of Joshua
Author: Mike Stone
Text: Joshua 23

All roads have inherent dangers. But some roads are more dangerous than others. When we first moved here we were warned about a particular railroad crossing. The intersection had been the sight of numerous deadly accidents, so much so that now there is a stoplight there.

We were also warned about the sharp turn on Hwy 203. Over the years, many fatalities occurred there. The state has actually rerouted that turn now because it was so dangerous.

There are certain times of year that drivers should be careful.
During the fall we need to watch for deer.
During the winter, certain places need to watch for ice.
During the holidays we watch out for drunk drivers.

This is also true on the road of life. There are certain places, intersections, and seasons in which there are inherent dangers. The risk is greater. The hazards are increased. And a wise driver will pay even closer attention to the dangers.

Now, I need to tell you something that you might not have heard lately. I'm teasing because I've told you this every week for over 6 months in this study. Canaan is not a picture of heaven. Rather, Canaan is a picture of victory. And you will never walk in victory if you don't learn how to navigate the road of life.

As we travel life's highway there are several dangers for which we need to be prepared. And the biggest danger may be a FORK in the road! This danger is so common that thousands of years ago, Joshua warned Israel about these same bumps in the road. As God's people settle down in Canaan, Joshua is old and at death's door. He tells them about the fork in the road of life.

This is a preview of the choice he will mention in chapter 24. And because this decision ultimately involves just two options, I want you to see just two main things in this chapter.

1. How stray ...

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