Title: If You Want Peace You Have to Fight (14 of 29)
Series: Walking in Victory-Lessons in Triumphant Christian Living from the Book of Joshua
Author: Mike Stone
Text: Joshua 11
Let me remind you, as I have in most of these lessons, the Land of Canaan is not a picture of a heaven. Poorly-written gospel songs and badly-delivered funeral sermons give the impression that Canaan is a distant promise for the ol' by and by. The fact is, it is a distinct possibility for the now and now.
One of the first songs I remember singing in church was "Canaan Land is Just in Sight."
There will be no sorrow there in that tomorrow.
We will be there by and by.
Milk and honey flowing. That is where I'm going.
Canaan Land is just in sight.
I'm not the guy who picks songs apart. I've sung that song before. But it's just not as accurate as it could be.
The Land of Canaan is a picture of victory.
It's a place God wants His people to inhabit and occupy NOW.
Egypt was once my home I was a slave.
Helpless in sin did roam, love's light did crave
But when I looked up to heaven's throne,
Christ came to save. I'm living in Canaan now.
In some ways, the mantra of the Ronald Reagan defense department was "peace through strength." The idea was to amass a big military in hopes you never have to deploy it.
Teddy Roosevelt had the same idea when he said we should, "Speak softly and carry a big stick."
With no ill will toward either late president, that's not the approach Joshua takes. Rather than "peace through strength" Joshua sets out on obtaining "peace through slaughter."
Rather than speaking softly and carrying a big stick, Joshua takes that big stick, puts a spearhead on the end of it, shoves it through the heart of his enemies and gives a shout of victory that is anything BUT soft.
In this 11th chapter he discovered there's no peace without a fight, no victory without a struggle, and no rest without getting some blood on your sword.
Joshua and ...
Series: Walking in Victory-Lessons in Triumphant Christian Living from the Book of Joshua
Author: Mike Stone
Text: Joshua 11
Let me remind you, as I have in most of these lessons, the Land of Canaan is not a picture of a heaven. Poorly-written gospel songs and badly-delivered funeral sermons give the impression that Canaan is a distant promise for the ol' by and by. The fact is, it is a distinct possibility for the now and now.
One of the first songs I remember singing in church was "Canaan Land is Just in Sight."
There will be no sorrow there in that tomorrow.
We will be there by and by.
Milk and honey flowing. That is where I'm going.
Canaan Land is just in sight.
I'm not the guy who picks songs apart. I've sung that song before. But it's just not as accurate as it could be.
The Land of Canaan is a picture of victory.
It's a place God wants His people to inhabit and occupy NOW.
Egypt was once my home I was a slave.
Helpless in sin did roam, love's light did crave
But when I looked up to heaven's throne,
Christ came to save. I'm living in Canaan now.
In some ways, the mantra of the Ronald Reagan defense department was "peace through strength." The idea was to amass a big military in hopes you never have to deploy it.
Teddy Roosevelt had the same idea when he said we should, "Speak softly and carry a big stick."
With no ill will toward either late president, that's not the approach Joshua takes. Rather than "peace through strength" Joshua sets out on obtaining "peace through slaughter."
Rather than speaking softly and carrying a big stick, Joshua takes that big stick, puts a spearhead on the end of it, shoves it through the heart of his enemies and gives a shout of victory that is anything BUT soft.
In this 11th chapter he discovered there's no peace without a fight, no victory without a struggle, and no rest without getting some blood on your sword.
Joshua and ...
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