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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Jude 1:17-23
This content is part of a series.

Title: Seeing Clearly, Living Faithfully-Following God's Guidance in a Confused World (3 of 4)
Series: Jude
Author: Tim Badal
Text: Jude 1:17-23

We have been seeing through God's Word that Jude has a word for us in the year 2023. It's a word that is aptly needed because of the many voices that have crept in unnoticed in our world, even in the life of the Christian and life of the church.

In the first two weeks, we have seen how people had crept in unnoticed and as a result, people were starting to believe they were god. Then because they thought they were god, they also thought all manner of sensuality and the pursuit of pleasures was available to them. The Christians were also buying into this, believing the world's lies-the things these influencers were communicating.

In response, Jude wrote this one-page letter to people he loved, reminding them to contend for the faith. That word 'contend' is only used twice in the Bible, both times are in this letter. It literally means to agonize, to fight with all your heart, mind and soul, to fight passionately and powerfully to achieve what you're fighting for. This word conjures up the idea that we too should be fighting, and rightly so. But many of us, when we hear this word 'fight,' begin to think about taking the fight to the world, to our friends and neighbors, to social media pages, fighting in a way that is mainly external. This morning we're going to learn that this agonizing fight is an internal fight. It's a fight that begins inside each of us.

You see, there are a lot of people who think the way we will fix the world is by fighting against the world, but that's not true at all. In fact, the fight we should be having is about being better Christians, stronger Christians, faithful Christians, Christians who see far more clearly than the blurry world wants us to. We need to see clearly based on the truths of God's Word, daily putting on the lenses of God's Word so we can discern the difference betw ...

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