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by Jeff Ecklund

Scripture: Deuteronomy 30:19

Title: Choices
Author: Jeff Ecklund
Text: Deuteronomy 30:19

In a devotional a couple weeks ago I read a story about the great Charles Finney as he was speaking in a church in the 1830's. He would do an altar call each night (much as we do here after each service). The story goes that the place was full of lawyers and one service the Chief Justice of New York was in attendance. He became convinced that the gospel that Finney was speaking about was true. And then he wrestled with "should I go forward" and hesitated because of his social position. He finally decided and made the decision, the choice if you will, to come forward. He walked toward the back and tugged on the jacket of Charles Finney and told him if he would call people forward he would come. Finney turned and informed people of what transpired and then called for people to come. The Chief Justice went forward and almost every lawyer in Rochester, New York followed him. It is recorded that over 100,000 people were converted in the next twelve months in the area.
(Bible in a Year, Nickey Gumble)

As I've been praying about this last Sunday the thought kept coming to me that we are a product of our choices and we also produce (or not) because of our choices.

Every day we are faced with choices, decisions. Thousands of decisions and choices each day.

We can make choices through a filter of fear...or a filter of faith.
A spiritual mentor of mine told a story once of challenging his elder team as they led the church. "When was the last time we made a decision that required faith?"

Pastor Stephen mentioned an article that made the statement that choices are the most spiritual thing we do...

Choices in the natural, the practical and the spiritual.

And many times the difference between the blessing and the curse...Are the choices we have made!

Deuteronomy 30:19 (NASB95)

19"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the bl ...

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