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by Brian Mills

Scripture: Luke 1:5-26

Title: Zechariah and Elizabeth (2 of 4)
Series: The Characters of Christmas
Author: Brian Mills
Text: Luke 1:5-26

To start the Characters of Christmas we have to start on the day everything changed, and no one even knew it.

To understand it you have to understand the blank page between the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Today we would call it the 400 Years of Silence.

They had experienced.

400 years no prophets
400 years they are just living but aren't experiencing God in big ways.
400 years of going through the routine
400 years of just doing what the law says.
400 years of building a routine

And then something happens.... We find that something in Luke 1

Luke describes that something by quoting Isaiah's prophesy (IS 40:5) of what would take place before the Messiah comes...

Luke 1:79 [NIV] to shine on those living in darkness
and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the path of peace.

Malachi had spoken a type of prophesy as well as the last words of the Old Testament "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes - Malachi 4:5 [ESV]

Then 400 years later we read of these prophesies coming true...

The sunrise from on high is coming
The Glory of the Lord is going to be revealed.
A Prophet who was like Elijah called John the Baptist

And we read about that at the beginning of the Christmas Story with 2 amazing Characters.... Zechariah and Elizabeth.

Luke 1:5-26

[NIV] 5 In the time of Herod king of Judea there was a priest named Zechariah (Meaning God's oath), who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah; his wife Elizabeth (means...God's promise) was also a descendant of Aaron.

Put their names together you get.. God remembers his oath.

Now.... Zechariah was a priest...

You might not know this but it is estimated there were around 10,000 priests during this time in Israel.

All the priests are from the tribe of Levites. ...

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