Title: The Seven C's of Christmas
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Luke 2:1-7
Christmas Sermon
I - The Census (1 - 3)
II - The City (4)
III - The Couple (4 - 5a)
IV - The Conditions (5b)
V - The Conception (6)
VI - The Child (7a)
VII - The Congestion (7b)
This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.
Christmas, It's Not About Me!!!
Pastor James Snyder writes about his first Christmas, as follows: I know my memory isn't perfect, but I thought maybe I could bring up some old memories of my first Christmas. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of a thing about that first Christmas of mine. Of course, it might be that I was only five months old at the time. Still, I tried to remember some of those old Christmases in the past.
Down through the years, I have celebrated more Christmases than I want to let on. It's not that I'm old; I just haven't died yet. The thing about Christmas was all the stuff I was getting. The first Christmas I remember; I got a bunch of presents under the tree. None of my siblings had shown up at the time, so I was the focus of several Christmases. That was the essence of real joy.
I thought Christmas was all about me and all I wanted for Christmas and all that would make me happy. I remember my parents taking me downtown to sit on Santa's lap and tell what I wanted for Christmas. That's what I thought Christmas was all about.
I was a little disturbed when my siblings came on the scene, and Christmas was no longer all about "me." For some reason, they thought they were part of Christmas. Being the terrific brother that I am, I allowed them to have some of the Christmas time around the tree. Then I was introduced to the fact that not only was I not the focus of Christmas but now I needed to purchase Christmas presents for my siblings.
That was a hard thing to get over. What did they ever do to deserve my Christmas presents? I finally processed that and discovered giving can also be fun. ...
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Luke 2:1-7
Christmas Sermon
I - The Census (1 - 3)
II - The City (4)
III - The Couple (4 - 5a)
IV - The Conditions (5b)
V - The Conception (6)
VI - The Child (7a)
VII - The Congestion (7b)
This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.
Christmas, It's Not About Me!!!
Pastor James Snyder writes about his first Christmas, as follows: I know my memory isn't perfect, but I thought maybe I could bring up some old memories of my first Christmas. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of a thing about that first Christmas of mine. Of course, it might be that I was only five months old at the time. Still, I tried to remember some of those old Christmases in the past.
Down through the years, I have celebrated more Christmases than I want to let on. It's not that I'm old; I just haven't died yet. The thing about Christmas was all the stuff I was getting. The first Christmas I remember; I got a bunch of presents under the tree. None of my siblings had shown up at the time, so I was the focus of several Christmases. That was the essence of real joy.
I thought Christmas was all about me and all I wanted for Christmas and all that would make me happy. I remember my parents taking me downtown to sit on Santa's lap and tell what I wanted for Christmas. That's what I thought Christmas was all about.
I was a little disturbed when my siblings came on the scene, and Christmas was no longer all about "me." For some reason, they thought they were part of Christmas. Being the terrific brother that I am, I allowed them to have some of the Christmas time around the tree. Then I was introduced to the fact that not only was I not the focus of Christmas but now I needed to purchase Christmas presents for my siblings.
That was a hard thing to get over. What did they ever do to deserve my Christmas presents? I finally processed that and discovered giving can also be fun. ...
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