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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Daniel 6:25-28
This content is part of a series.

Title: Character Of God (15)
Series: Daniel
Author: Stephen Whitney
Text: Daniel 6:25-28

In 1982 George Gallup conducted a poll of "Religion in America."

They found that Americans overwhelmingly believe in God and that 70% attend a church. Most of them pray regularly. Almost half attend church every Sunday. Almost every home has a Bible,but it is rarely read. As a result of his poll he concluded, "Americans believe in God but don't know much about him."

If our knowledge of God were limited to what is portrayed on TV, can you imagine what our impression of God would be? The show called "MASH" portrayed its most detestable character, Major Burns, as using the Bible to justify himself. The priest Father Mulcahy was sweet and sincere, but not very capable. When men's souls were seriously in need of help, the real expert was called in - the psychiatric doctor.

While those roles are portrayed in just, those unconscious images of God we pick up second hand form a source of misconceptions about God. Perhaps even more enduring are the impressions we picked up about God in our childhood.

J.B. Phillips in, Your God Is Too Small. wrote, "Too many of us are cripped by a limited idea of God. The trouble with many people today is that they have not found a God bid enough for modern needs. While their experience of life has grown . . . their ideas of God have remained largely static. It is obviously impossible for an adult to worship the conception of God that exists in the mind of a child of Sunday-school age."

Those limited ideas of who God is and how he works hinder us from having the relationship with him that we should.

Stephen Charnock - "It is visible (by creation) that God is (exists), it is invisible what He is (his perfect character)."

Richard Baxter - "You may know God, but not comprehend him."


Darius is so impressed that Yahweh protected Daniel from being killed that he wrote a note to all the people throughout ...

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