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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Daniel 6:1-23
This content is part of a series.

Title: Total Commitment (14)
Series: Daniel
Author: Stephen Whitney
Text: Daniel 6:1-23

Someone told this story. As a child, I could always depend on my father to put life's disasters into perspective, whether it was a broken leg or a broken heart. Years later I was devastated by a series of personal crises. Feeling helpless and overwhelmed, I spent my last $300 to go on a trip to Florida to see my father.

On the final evening of my visit, we stood at the end of a jetty, watching the sun settle into the Gulf of Mexico. I could no longer contain my bitterness. So, I said, "You know, Dad, if we could take all the great moments we experience in our lifetimes and put them back-to-back, they wouldn't last twenty minutes."

He responded simply, "Yup." I turned to him, stunned. He was still studying the sun that sat on the horizon. Then, looking into my eyes, he added quietly, "Precious, aren't they?"

Life is a voyage in which we do not choose the vessel or the weather but we can control the sail and steer the rudder. Joan Baez said, "You don't get to choose how you're going to die or even when. You can only decide how you're going to live."

Daniel decided that he was going to life his life committed to God no matter what the cost. When he was about 15 years-old and taken to Babylon he "resolved that he would not defile himself with the king's food or the wine that he drank (1:8)."

Resolved (KJB purposed) - Heb. to determine, fix, establish or set. GNB - "He made up his mind." Nothing that happened was going to make him change his mind about eating the king's food.

The word commitment means: to act deliberately by agreeing or promising to do something for someone else. It comes from the Latin word that means to connect one thing with or to another.

Commitment to something is what gives you the courage to continue even under the most difficult circumstances.


Plan :1-3

The empire was so large it was ...

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