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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Luke 2:8-20
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Shocked Shepherds (2 of 5)
Series: Glimpse of Glory
Text: Luke 2: 8-20

Sermon 1 of 5 "The Select Servants"
Sermon 2 of 5 "The Shocked Shepherds"
Sermon 3 of 5 "The Special Star"
Sermon 4 of 5 "The Sovereign Son"
Sermon 5 of 5 "The Strange Seekers"

I - The Heavenly Spectacle (8 - 14)

II - The Hasty Shepherds (15 - 16a)

III - The Holy Scene (16b - 20)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

Glimpses of Glory

Angelic encounters were very much part of the Christmas Story, as angels appeared unto Mary, Joseph, Zachariah, and the Shepherds, as they watched over their flocks outside the little City of Bethlehem. As we look at these five sermons, which I call "Glimpses of Glory" we will encounter angelic activity.

I propose this question to you, "Do we still encounter angels, in this age?"

Heb 13:2 KJV - Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

The Angels That Helped Her Say Goodbye to Her Dad

Scared and unwilling to let her father go, she found strength through four angelic beings at his bedside. I drove to the hospital, knowing that today might be the last day I'd spend with my father on this earth. He was my rock, my strength, even while he grew weaker. How could I tell him goodbye?

We knew that dad's gall bladder surgery was risky at the age of 85, especially after a previous heart surgery. He survived the operation, but complications followed, and his organs started to fail. He'd spent the last three weeks on and off a ventilator. Dad would breathe on his own for a while, then he'd need to be intubated again. It was horrible for him and for us. But no more. My brother, Rick, and I decided that today we would honor Dad's wishes and remove life support so he could finally be at peace.

There was no doubt in my mind that Dad was continuing to fight for his life for the sake of our family. He was always there when other people need ...

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