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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Luke 2:1-7
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Select Servants (1 of 5)
Series: Glimpse of Glory
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Luke 2:1-7

Christmas Series "Glimpses of Glory" Sermon 1 of 5

Sermon 1 of 5 "The Select Servants"
Sermon 2 of 5 "The Shocked Shepherds"
Sermon 3 of 5 "The Special Star"
Sermon 4 of 5 "The Sovereign Son"
Sermon 5 of 5 "The Strange Seekers"

I - The Looming Census (1 - 3)

II - The Lowly Couple (4 - 5a)

III - The Little City (4)

IV - The Laborious Conditions (5b)

V - The Lord's Conception (6 - 7)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

A Christmas Story for Pastors

There must have been a mistake. I had no business being included in this group or in front of all these people. But there I was. Scared to death.

You see, the church I grew up in was pretty big, and they weren't afraid to put on a big production for Christmas. Somehow, even though I can't play an instrument or sing, I got caught up in one of those big productions.

At every other Christmas production, I was involved in as a kid, I never got to play the part of baby Jesus, Joseph, or the chief shepherd. I was playing the part of the disgruntled kid who didn't want to be there.

Only I wasn't playing a part!!!

I can still remember one sweet lady at that church, Mrs. Hawkins. She noticed my frustrations during one Saturday evening practice that was running long.

She walked up to me, seemingly out of nowhere, and said, "Don't worry, Jay. This will all be over soon, and you'll be home in time to watch wrestling."

That lady knew me.

So, considering I had no rhythm and no ability to sing, how did I end up on the main stage with a speaking part and a solo? At the time, I wasn't sure.

I was one of the three emcees of the event. Two other kids and I played the part of angel grandkids asking their angel grandfather questions about Christmas.

And just like in real life, a large choir would sing the answers to us. Yeah.

The guy who played our ...

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