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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Matthew 18:15-20
This content is part of a series.

Title: Staying Healthy Requires Discipline (5 of 6)
Series: Rediscover Church
Author: Tim Badal
Text: Matthew 18:15-20

Turn in your Bible to Matthew 18. We'll be there and also in 1 Corinthians 5. We'll use these as a springboard in our discussion as we continue to "Rediscover Church." We'll be rediscovering things that may have fallen into inactivity, things we haven't thought about or practiced for some time.

We have used this series to reacquaint ourselves with things that may have become ritual or rote, or maybe because we haven't done them and have forgotten all about them. So your elders thought it would be good for us to remind ourselves of these important things that make the church, the church. Things that help us understand the place of the church in our lives and in our world today.

At the beginning of each sermon, we have been reminded of what the church is. In the opening video, we've been given a definition of church, then each week we've been tackling a part of that definition. This week we come to the idea that the church is a group of Christians who are to display God's holiness and love.

I want you to know right away that one of the purposes of the church and your involvement in it is to display Who God is to a watching world. I know you don't feel like this is happening, but you are displaying to the community around us Who God is, how holy God is, as well as how loving and kind God is to His creation. We do this by living life with one another. So if we're going to show the world that God is holy, then it's incumbent upon us to be holy. If we're going to show the world that God is loving, then it's important that we ourselves are loving. One of the reasons why the world calls us hypocrites is because we talk about the holiness of God and the love of God, but we don't practice them. So the watching world says, "Whatever you're offering, you can keep it."

A healthy and vibrant church is a church that declares and demonstrates the ...

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