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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Matthew 28:16
This content is part of a series.

Title: Signposts: Markers for the Journey (4 of 6)
Series: Rediscover Church
Author: Tim Badal
Text: Matthew 28:16

Text excerpt "This morning I want us to look at three things that I'm calling "Markers for the Journey" which are baptism, communion and church membership. Again, these are things that are altogether routine for those who have been part of this church for a while, but it's altogether right and good for us to reevaluate and reconsider. It's right to ask if we are celebrating these things in the way God intended. "

We are in a series titled "Rediscover Church." In some ways, this series is a bit reductionistic for some. Some will say, "Why do we need to look at these things? I know why we need to have preaching. I know why we need to have fellowship. I know why I have to be here. I know why we need to baptize people. I know why we need to celebrate communion and be part of church membership. Why are these things important?"

Again, the routine can become rote. We can lose the substance and significance of all we are to be part of. These are things that God said should be part of His church. We should not only do them but do them with great excitement and great purpose in mind.

The second reason why this is important is that we need to recognize that there are people who are ignorant about these things. I don't say that in a pejorative way; they just don't know these things. They've come to church. They've come to experience salvation in Christ Jesus, yet they're asking, "What's next? What is my purpose and role within this body of believers called the church?" We want to rediscover these things and do so in order to serve and honor the Lord in the way that's fitting to Him.

This morning I want us to look at three things that I'm calling "Markers for the Journey" which are baptism, communion and church membership. Again, these are things that are altogether routine for those who have been part of this church for a while, but it's altogeth ...

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