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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Hebrews 10:19-26
This content is part of a series.

Title: Why Do We Gather? (2 of 6)
Series: Rediscover Church
Author: Tim Badal
Text: Hebrews 10:19-26

Church is one of those things. Because we do it so often, because we know it like the back of our hand, we can often begin to think we know why we're here and what we're called to do. But it's good from time to time to stop and ask, "Why is church a part of my life? What is it supposed to be doing?" I need to evaluate whether or not my experience is right and true.

In a group this size, we should also recognize there are some who are new to the faith, who don't understand the things we do. For some of you, it's discovering what the people of God are all about, His program, how we're to go about praising His name in this place and throughout the world.

Today I want to ask a very simple question, but a question that involves a profound answer because it will determine what we do here and how we go about doing it. The question is simply why are we here at church? Why are we gathering together as a church? What is the purpose for this corporate setting? What is the purpose of our small groups and other ministries? Why are we gathering as a church?

Pollsters and survey writers ask these questions of Americans all the time. The overwhelming response to why Americans go to church is-this should not be surprising-they go to be closer to God. But there are a lot of other reasons why people are part of church. Maybe one of these reasons is the one you have.

- It could be so the kids will have a stronger moral foundation.

- Maybe you think this hour makes you a better person during the next 167 hours of the week.

- Maybe you're in a place of great trouble. In fact, I saw one study that said people who have had a difficult week are more prone to attend church than those who have had a great week because they have a sense that God will be there to help them in their time of struggle.

I love this next one.

- Fifty-nine percent of people surveyed find ...

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