Title: Heart Disease
Author: Stephen Whitney
Text: Jeremiah 17:9-10
In 1937 before the now-famous crime-fighters Captain Marvel, Superman, and Batman, there was a popular radio show called:
The Shadow which ran until 1954. In the words of the announcer,
it was, "the hard and relentless fight of one man against the forces
of evil. These dramatizations were designed to demonstrate
to the old and young that a life of crime does not pay."
The Shadow was a mysterious character who aided the forces of law and order to bring criminals to justice. Do you remember that spooky line the announcer always said just before the program aired? "Who knows what evil l-l-lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!" Then there would be that blood-curdling laugh which would fade away into the distance.
The show has long faded as entertainment, but that single opening line remains a haunting question to this day: Who, really knows what evil and wickedness lurks in the hearts of people?
Thomas Watson - "Let original sin make us walk with continual
watchfulness over our hearts. The sin of our nature is like a
sleeping lion, the least thing that awakens it makes it rage.
A wandering heart needs a watchful eye."
Wicked heart
The word 'heart' occurs some 900 times throughout the Bible.
The Biblical references to the heart seldom have to do with our physical heart. Most of the time the word refers to the immaterial part of our personality - what we call the spirit or soul of a person.
In Scripture the heart is what controls a person's life.
Heart - Heb. symbol of our inner person which includes our: conscience, desires, mind, thoughts, understanding and will.
Genesis 6:5 The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was
great in the earth and that evert intention of the thoughts
of his heart was only evil continually.
Calvin - "The wickedness was too deeply seated in their ...
Author: Stephen Whitney
Text: Jeremiah 17:9-10
In 1937 before the now-famous crime-fighters Captain Marvel, Superman, and Batman, there was a popular radio show called:
The Shadow which ran until 1954. In the words of the announcer,
it was, "the hard and relentless fight of one man against the forces
of evil. These dramatizations were designed to demonstrate
to the old and young that a life of crime does not pay."
The Shadow was a mysterious character who aided the forces of law and order to bring criminals to justice. Do you remember that spooky line the announcer always said just before the program aired? "Who knows what evil l-l-lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!" Then there would be that blood-curdling laugh which would fade away into the distance.
The show has long faded as entertainment, but that single opening line remains a haunting question to this day: Who, really knows what evil and wickedness lurks in the hearts of people?
Thomas Watson - "Let original sin make us walk with continual
watchfulness over our hearts. The sin of our nature is like a
sleeping lion, the least thing that awakens it makes it rage.
A wandering heart needs a watchful eye."
Wicked heart
The word 'heart' occurs some 900 times throughout the Bible.
The Biblical references to the heart seldom have to do with our physical heart. Most of the time the word refers to the immaterial part of our personality - what we call the spirit or soul of a person.
In Scripture the heart is what controls a person's life.
Heart - Heb. symbol of our inner person which includes our: conscience, desires, mind, thoughts, understanding and will.
Genesis 6:5 The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was
great in the earth and that evert intention of the thoughts
of his heart was only evil continually.
Calvin - "The wickedness was too deeply seated in their ...
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