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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Revelation 19:1-21
This content is part of a series.

Title: Jesus, the Warrior King (13 of 16)
Series: Revelation
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Revelation 19

When you think of Jesus what comes to mind? What picture do you see?

What is his personality like? Is he funny? Is he scary?

Is he masculine? What is masculine? How would you describe feminine?

If you saw him hear and now what would you reaction be? Hug? Worship?

I'm sure you've seen where Mike Pence has taken flack over talking to a Jesus who talks back. why? That doesn't fit her perception of who Jesus is.

ILLUSTRATION: When Ricky Bobby prayed, he preferred to pray to 8lb 6oz newborn baby Jesus in his golden fleece diaper.

IF I'm driving down a curvy road... and I say, "I like to think of this Road as being straight... I'm going to drive as if it's straight". That doesn't effect the road at all... because the road is a real thing.


- To Focus on Jesus Divinity to the Neglect of His Humanity - Some people are off balance and think of his deity apart from his humanity. As if Jesus were like Superman. Nothing really hurt him, temptation wasn't really temptation. He might be dressed up like Clark Kent, but we know under that humanness exterior he was the man of steel. Was Jesus Divine? Yes! But he was also 100% human.

In ART - This is the portrait of Jesus where he always has a halo around his head. If a guy's head perpetually glows He might be God. And just in case you are in doubt, there's that convenient logo on his robe with the heart and cross.

- To Focus on Jesus Humanity to the Neglect of His Deity - Some people emphasize His humanity to the neglect of his Deity. This is the person who assumes Jesus is just like them. Sometimes - they even project their cultural norms and racial stereo types on Jesus. This is the Jesus with curly blonde hair, blue eyes... I'm sorry but I find that guy difficult to worship.

- To Focus on Jesus Humility to the neglect of His Glory - This is when people over emphasiz ...

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