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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Revelation 17:1-18, Revelation 18:1-24, Revelation 19:1-21
This content is part of a series.

Title: A Tale of Two Cities (12 of 16)
Series: Revelation
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Revelation 17-19

We will be launching in a week or so to serve as the info point for all things related to Easter Sunday.

INTRODUCTION: Our world experienced an industrial revolution, then a technological revolution and we are in the midst of a communication revolution. Information has never been shared more quickly than in our day. One might think that with the advent of cellular technology, portable computers and smart phones, people would become less dependent on one another and they would retreat into the rural countryside where land is more affordable and independence is more readily experienced. However statistics indicate the exact opposite is true.

Cities are becoming the new Nations.

The Guardian newspaper in Great Britain did a special issue, "The Future of Cities." One writer said, "Just 10 years ago, cities were seen as vital contributors to the global economy. That's no longer true. Today, cities are the global economy.

The best and the brightest leaders in our nation are no longer jockeying for control on the national scene, they have staked their claim on municipalities.

Note the following statistics: According to the United Nations, almost 180,000 people move into cities across the world every day.

- That's a city with a population larger than Nassau County is being born every single day.

- That is an Atlanta being born every month.

The journal Foreign Policy did a special issue on cities near the end of 2010, announcing, "The age of nations is over. The new urban age has begun."

One article announced, "The 21st century will not be dominated by America or China, Brazil or India, but by the city. In an age that appears increasingly unmanageable, cities rather than states are becoming the islands of governance on which the future world order will be built."

CONTEXT: Interestingly when you study the end times ...

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