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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Revelation 14:1-20, Revelation 15:1-8, Daniel 11:1-45, Ezekiel 38:1-23
This content is part of a series.

Title: Armageddon (11 of 16)
Series: Revelation
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Revelation 14-16, Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38

INTRODUCTION: We continue our study of the book of Revelation. Let me remind you of our context.

- At this point the Church as we know it has been removed from the scene.

- The AntiChrist has worked out a deal for the Jews to rebuild their temple and to reinstitute the OT sacrificial system on the temple mount.

- Jewish people by the 10's of thousands begin to follow Jesus as the Messiah.

- Then Anti-Christ turns on the Jews, enters and defiles the Temple and begins a Holocaust like the world has never seen.

- Unimaginable horrors begin to fall on the Earth.

- Wars break out, severe famines, deadly plagues, and terrible earthquakes and other natural disasters, all of which will result in millions of deaths.

- Sin will run rampant and all over the earth, fueled by Satan and his demonic hosts because they have been barred ultimately from access loosing the right of approach.

- The Christ followers in Israel are taken to a place prepared for them where they will be protected from the worst part of the Tribulation.

- 144,000 Jewish Evangelists encompass the globe preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

- We've seen the Seal Judgement, the Trumpet Judgements and today we see the SEAL Judgements.

At that point, John's vision begins to morph into this glorious pre-battle ceremony in Heaven.

1. A Heavenly Ceremony

TEXT: Revelation 14:1-16:21 (ESV) Set the stage for the

A. The Congregation -

Revelation 14:1-20 (ESV)

1 Then I looked, (so this is a vision John has....It's important to differentiate between
and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads.

MacArthur says of this group - The opening verses of Revelation 14 introduce the most triumphant group of men the world will ever know. Scripture describes ot ...

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