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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Revelation 10:1-11, Revelation 11:1-19
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Two Witnesses (8 of 16)
Series: Revelation
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Revelation 10-11

INTRODUCTION: There is no greater genius than the mind of Christ. Humans have to specialize. We have a limited amount of brain cells. Therefore, we must leverage those brain cells in a particular field...architecture, mathematics, real estate, business, art, science. Christ has no such limitations, neither does His word. Thus, when we all look at scripture we tend to recognize those elements of truth that we are most familiar with. For example, some of you may know that I am a song writer. When I read the text, I see certain lyrical patterns that others overlook. Mathematicians recognize numerical patterns. The legal mind can understand the significance of jurisprudence in the text.
Well, this is important to remember in any text of scripture, but it's of utmost importance when wrestling with Apocalyptic literature. The greatest truths from every field of specialization is on display in this form of literature. That is one reason it is difficult to read. You have to think like an architect at times, like a mathematician at times, and at times like a poet.
It is a bit like going into a mental gymnasium, and the Holy Spirit is our trainer. With that in mind, let the workout begin.
At this point we see a great shift in the book of revelation.
- Rev. 1-3: Messages to the Churches

- Rev. 4-9: Chronology of Judgement (seals, trumpets)

- Rev. 10-15: The People of the Last Days

- Rev. 16-22: Chronology of Judgement (final trumpet and bowls)

The first group of people John sees are two Prophets. We are going to be introduced to two prophets in Chapter 11, and the stage is being set in chapter 10.

Revelation 10:1-7 (ESV)

1 Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, wrapped in a cloud, with a rainbow over his head, and his face was like the sun, and his legs like pillars of fire.

Remember last week we noted the similarities to the t ...

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