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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Revelation 1:1-3
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Title: Introduction (1 of 16)
Series: Revelation
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Revelation 1:1-3

ILLUSTRATION: Imagine if you will that there is a School of Drama that has given itself entirely to the Study of the Playwright, William Shakespeare. Imagine they come across a lost play that has been hidden for hundreds of years. As they read through the script they realize that the play has 5 scenes, but scene 4 is missing. Given their immense study of the Shakespeare, given the fact that they have the first 3 scenes and scene 5, they can probably make a pretty good guess at how the missing 4th scene would read.

Our lives are being lived out in the missing 4th scene.

- The Bible gives us history from creation to Christ in the Old Testament.

- From Christ to the founding of the Church in most of the New Testament.

- Then the end of time in Revelation.

Repeatedly, we see the biblical writers reminding people where they stand in the unfolding storyline of history.

Think about it; The Lord's Table

- As often as you do this - PRESENT

- Do this in remembrance of me - PAST

- Until I come - FUTURE

That is what makes our study of REVELATION so vitally important and incredibly practical. It is scene 5. It promises to show you the things which must take place leading up to the end of time and it ends with the a beautiful picture of the King Ruling and Reigning in His Kingdom, with all of his enemies defeated forever.

There are four basic interpretive approaches to the Book of Revelation. Their perspectives may be summarized as follows:

2. THE PRETERIST VIEW -This view is favored by theological liberals and those who reject the inspiration of Scripture and the possibility of predictive prophecy. Most preterist reject John as the author of revelation. They believe the author is describing events from the recent past and the present as if he were foretelling future events. It deals with nothing more than Roman or Jewish persecution of ...

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