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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Mark 6:1-32
This content is part of a series.

Title: Fast & Furious (10)
Series: Gospel of Mark
Text: Mark 6: 1-32

I - The Odd Ordeal (1 - 6)

II - The Mighty Missionaries (7 - 13)

III - The Convicted Conscience (14 - 16)

IV - The Baptist Beheaded (17 - 29)

V - The Notable News (30)

VI - The Proposed Plan (31 - 32)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

Are We Overworked?

- The report, issued by the International Labor Organization, found that Americans added nearly a full week to their work year during the '90's, climbing to 1,979 hours on average last year, up 36 hours from '90.

- That means Americans who are employed are putting in nearly 49.5 weeks a year on the job.

- Americans work 137 hours, or about 3.5 half weeks, more a year than Japanese workers

- Americans work 260 hours or 6.5 weeks more a year than British workers

- Americans work 499 hours 12.5 weeks more a year than German workers.

In the mid-90's the US surpassed Japan, and since then it has pulled farther ahead. Among the reasons for the large differences between the US and other countries are that Europeans typically take 4-6 weeks of vacation each year while Americans take 2-3 weeks. And while American employers kept adding overtime during the '90's, in France the government reduced the official workweek to 35 hours.

NY Times 9/1/01

Truly Overworked

Overworked With companies downsizing, those who remain find their jobs are demanding increasing amounts of time and energy. 54% feel overworked, 55% are overwhelmed by their workload, 59% lack time for reflection, 56% don't have time to complete tasks and 45% must multi-task to much.

Business Week 7/16/01

He Needed Rest

By the way, the subject of rest reminds me about this story I heard about a father who was playing cops and robbers with his 3 active sons in the back yard after dinner.

One of the boys "shot" his dad and yelled, "Bang! You're dead!"

The dad fell dramatically to the ground. But the ...

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