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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Daniel 3:19-30
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Title: Punished But Protected (9)
Series: Daniel 3
Author: Stephen Whitney
Text: Daniel 3:19-30

After Martin Luther made his famous statement at his trial,

"My conscience is captive to the Word of God, I neither can nor will recant anything . . . Here I stand. God help me. Amen."

before the emperor Charles V and the Roman church officials. The emperor abruptly walked out.

Fearing an attempt on his life, friends gathered around him and with hands held high they escorted him through the crowds who had jammed the palace court and the streets. Back in his room Luther said, "I am through! I am through!"

Luther quietly left Worms with the company of a few friends to get as far away as possible before he was arrested and tried for heresy.

As he headed home, eight days later his carriage was forced to stop. Luther was taken from the carriage, put on a horse and was forced to ride off with some armed men.

He was taken to the castle of Wartburg where he was treated as a guest with respect and honor. He was dressed as a knight and was spoken to by everyone as "Sir George." The first few weeks of his hiding passed quietly. Then the desire he had to translate the Bible into German came into his mind and so in his room he translated the New Testament into the common language of the people.

He spent a year and a half in the castle before he traveled home.

God had used the governor Frederick to kidnap and protect him.

God will protect us when we are faithful to him.

Psalm 91:14 Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him.

Spurgeon - "Not because he deserves to be kept (protected), but because with all his imperfections he does love his God."

As a result of loving God, which is shown by being faithful to him no matter what happens in our lives, he protects us.


Anger :19-21

Fury - Aramaic literally heat meaning anger (:13)

Expression changed - ...

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