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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Mark 5:1-15
This content is part of a series.

Title: Distressed, Delivered, & Destined (8)
Series: Gospel of Mark
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Mark 5: 1-15

I - The Personal Meeting (1 - 2)

II - The Possessed Man (2 - 5)

III - The Promising Matter (6)

IV - The Phenomenal Misery (7)

V - The Powerful Miracle (8 - 14)

VI - The Precious Moment (15)

VII - The Perturbed Murmurers (16 - 17)

VIII - The Priceless Message (18 - 20)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

Someone Loved Unlovable Teddy

Tony Campolo tells a touching story about a school teacher Miss Thompson and one of her fourth-grade students, Teddy Stallard. Teddy was a slow, unkempt student, a loner shunned by his classmates. The previous year his mother died, and what little motivation for school he may have once had was now gone. Miss Thompson didn't particularly care for Teddy either, but at Christmas time he brought her a small present. Her desk was covered with well-wrapped presents from the other children, but Teddy's came in a brown sack. When she opened it there was a gaudy rhinestone bracelet with half the stones missing and a bottle of cheap perfume.

The children began to snicker but Miss Thompson saw the importance of the moment. She quickly splashed on some perfume and put on the bracelet, pretending Teddy had given her something special. At the end of the day Teddy worked up enough courage to softly say, "Miss Thompson, you smell just like my mother... and her bracelet looks real pretty on you too. I'm glad you like my presents."

After Teddy left, Miss Thompson got down on her knees and prayed for God's forgiveness. She prayed for God to use her as she sought to not only teach these children but to love them as well. She became a new teacher.

She lovingly helped students like Teddy, and by the end of the year he had caught up with most of the students. Miss Thompson didn't hear from Teddy for a long time.

Then she received this note: "Dear Miss Thompson, I wante ...

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