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by Patrick Edwards

Scripture: Acts 1:1-26
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Story Continues... (1)
Series: Unstoppable
Author: Patrick Edwards
Text: Acts 1:1-26


Starting a new job can be exciting and fun, but I also think it can be hard and scary, even. I mean, maybe it's just me who's a creature of habit, but you know nothing. You know no one. In theory, you're qualified for the job (I mean they hired you) but there are still going to be a lot of ins and outs about the particular job that you just don't know. Of course, it's on you to ask for help, but it's also on your boss to train you properly.

For example, this young lady wasn't properly informed on how to secure the lid on the paint mixer. Or this gentleman wasn't shown how to tie down a pallet on the forklift. Or no one bothered telling this new truck driver that he indeed couldn't do it. If we want to succeed in our jobs, it's important to learn from those already there or have gone before us. You don't just start a task all on your own and try to figure it out as you go.

And yet, for some reason, we often approach the church in just this way. We treat it as some job or task that we've been handed, given the keys to, and we're off and running. And often we're well-intended about it, saying to ourselves 'Look, God has given us this church in this community, so here's what we're going to do for him.' We labor and plan and strategize on how to grow our church, what things to focus on, because, surely, that's what Jesus wants us to do.

Whereas the truth is that Jesus hasn't left us alone on the job. He hasn't left us clueless and without direction. He hasn't even just left us with detailed instructions. Rather, He continues to be with us. He has stayed present with us in our church. The presence of Jesus among His people didn't end with the four gospels, nor did it end when Jesus ascended into heaven. Rather, what we see this morning as we open the book of Acts is that the story of God's rescue of the world continued on 2000 years ago and ...

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