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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Daniel 2:24-30
This content is part of a series.

Title: To God Be The Glory (6)
Series: Daniel and His Friends
Author: Stephen Whitney
Text: Daniel 2:24-30

Around the turn of the century, British writer Thomas Hardy became so famous that as a novelist and poet he could have commanded whatever figure any newspaper would have been willing to pay if would just submit anything to them to print.

But every time he submitted a poem or some literary piece, he always included a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the return of his manuscript should it be rejected. He remained humble enough to think that his work could be turned down by an editor who would never be as famous had he was.

Humility is the feeling of one's own insignificance.

It is the opposite of pride where you feel you are the greatest.

James 4:6 God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

Romans 12:3 Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought to think, but with sober judgment.

J.B. Philipps - Don't cherish exaggerated ideas of yourself or you importance, but try to have a sane estimate of your capabilities.

Alford Barnes - "This is a caution against pride. We are not to judge of ourselves by our talents, wealth, or office (position), but to form another standard of judging ourselves, by our Christian character."


All the wise men in Babylon including Daniel were going to be put to death because they were not able to tell the king his dream. Daniel prays and God reveals to him the dream. Instead of being proud, he shows humility by thanking God (:20-23).

Difficulties can cause us to be humble instead of proud.

Samuel Rutherford - "Humility is a strange flower; it grows best in winter weather and under the storms of affliction."


Daniel :24

He makes a bold move to say that he has the answer to the dream.

He is confident God has revealed to him the meaning of the dream.

Interpretation - Aramaic literally to untie or to loosen meaning to give an ...

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