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by Larry Wynn

Scripture: I JOHN 4:20, I JOHN 5:5

Covering The Basis
Larry Wynn

I. Introduction

A. What is the goal of every baseball team when the players come to bat?

1. The goal is to score runs.

2. There are several ways to do this, but the bottom line is to cross the plate putting runs on the board for your team.

B. Our relationship to christ can be seen through a baseball diamond.

1. The goal is not to just wear a uniform called christianity.

2. It is not to just show up for the game.

3. It is not even to get only to 1st base.

4. The goal is to cross the plate.

C. I john 5:1-5 demonstrates for us the overall goal of a believer.

D. Fulfillment comes when we cross the plate.

Ii. First base: membership. I john 5:1a.

A. Membership in christ's family.

1. In baseball it doesn't matter what you do if you don't touch 1st base you are out.

2. First base is salvation.

3. Not everyone who says he is a christian is one.

A. You can put on the uniform, say you are a ball player, even attend the game.

B. The player is the one who gets in the game and plays.

B. Membership in a church family.

1. How important is membership in a church family?

2. Christ tells us it is very important.

A. I john 5:1 ''if you believe that jesus is the christ- that he is god's son and your savior-then you are a child of god. And all who love the father love his children too.''

b. Hebrews 10:25 ''let us not neglect our church meetings, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near.''

3. It is through the church that we gain:

A. Fellowship.

B. Encouragement.

C. Accountability.

D. Ministry skills.

E. Platform for corporate worship.

Iii. Second base: maturity. Vs. 2. There are certain myths about maturity.

A. Spiritual growth is automatic once you are saved.

1. Even if you attend church growt ...

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