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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Mark 1:21-45
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Mighty Miracles (2)
Series: Gospel of Mark
Text: Mark 1: 21-45

I - The Satanic Possession (21 - 28)

II - The Sickly Person (29 - 31)

III - The Sovereign Physician (32 - 34)

IV - The Solitary Place (35)

V - The Strategic Plan (36 - 39)

VI - The Stunning Predicament (40 - 45)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

I will never forget growing up back in the 60's and 70's and in those days, we did not have cable television, well we did, but it was the antenna line that ran from the television to the pole that was located outside the house. If you wanted to switch channels, you might have to send someone outside to turn the pole, hoping to get a better reception, do you remember those days?

Every Sunday morning it was the same routine, as we would all gather around in the living room and watch those tele-evangelists, namely Rex Humbard, who ran his "Cathedral of Tomorrow" broadcast from Akron, Ohio. It seemed that many of those television guys were based out of Ohio, maybe it was all about taxes, or maybe something was in the water.

It was always alluring to me to watch that show, as the Cathedral Quartet were regulars on the broadcast, along with Humbard's wife, Maude Aimee, along with the Humbard's children. It was truly an event and we watched it week in and week out for years. There was an air of excitement watching the singing, the preaching, the crusades, and those miraculous healings.

Even as a child, I always questioned those "mighty healing" services and wondered to myself, why don't they heal everyone, not just those that are in front of the television cameras, are you getting my drift? If those men and if those women, truly had the gift of healing and performing all of those "Television Miracles" why don't they do it at the hospitals or nursing homes?

I have a feeling that if God can use you to heal on T.V. then he can also use you to heal down at the nursing home, the hospit ...

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