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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: James 5:13-18
This content is part of a series.

Title: Praying For Others (22)
Series: James
Text: James 5:13-18
Author: Stephen Whitney

In his autobiography, JUST AS I AM, Billy Graham talks about being invited to speak at the Miami Rock Festival in December 1969. He said that he was delighted to have the opportunity to speak to young people who probably would never have felt comfortable in the average church and yet who were searching for answers about life and protesting against society in their songs.

He wrote, "As I stepped onto the platform that Sunday morning, several thousand young people were lolling on the straw-covered ground or wandering around the concert site in the warm December sun, waiting for such groups as the Grateful Dead and Santana to make their appearance. A few were sleeping; the nonstop music had quit around four that morning.

In order to get a feel for the event, for a few hours the night before I put on a simple disguise and slipped into the crowd. My heart went out to them. Though I was thankful for their youthful experience, I was burdened by their spiritual searching and emptiness.

A bearded youth who had come all the way from California for the event recognized me. 'Do me a favor,' he said to me with a smile, 'and say a prayer to thank God for good friends and good weed.'
Every evening at sunset, he confided to me, he got high on marijuana and other drugs. 'You can get high on Jesus,' I replied."

People often request prayer about what is happening in their lives and in circumstances. Often our prayers are about what matters to us and those around us. It is normal to ask God to intervene in the circumstances of life because you need his help.

Often though we don't ask for his help until we have tried to solve the problem or issued ourself. James encourages us to take everything to God in prayer both for ourselves and others.


James gives us three circumstances where we should pray;

1. Suffering (KJB afflicted) ...

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