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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: James 5:7-11
This content is part of a series.

Title: Patient Perseverance (20)
Series: James
Text: James 5:7-11
Author: Stephen Whitney

In July 1998 farmers in the southern plains gathered to pray for rain because of their withered crops. The heat wave had caused the city of Dallas to reach 100 degrees for the 14th day in a row.
It was the worst heat wave to hit Texas in 18 years.

In Oklahoma the governor asked everyone in his state to pray for rain. State officials estimated that the heat and drought had cost the state's farmers and ranchers over $2 billion in losses.

Normally, members of the Hollis First Baptist Church pray from their seats, but on this Sunday the pastor had the people come forward to pray at the altar. "It was a special time for prayer
for rain," he said.

Near Geronimo, OK, 80-year-old farmer Jack Musgrove said, "It is so hot the fields are melting." He wasn't even hoping to get anything from his corn field, but was just cutting up the plants for livestock feed. He offered his own perspective on praying for rain when he said, "I did my 50% by planting the crop. God has
to do the other 50%."


People have been treated unfairly as they have not been paid for the work which they had done (:4). When we have been treated unfairly our tendency is to become angry with the person and to take things into our own hands instead of trusting God.

We need to learn patience in the trials we face in life. Often there is nothing we can do about the trial we face because it is beyond our ability to control. When we have done all that we can do, the only thing left is for us to do is to allow God to work things out according to his time not according to our schedule.

Puritan George Swinnock - "To lengthen my patience is the best way to shorten my troubles."

The hardest thing is to be patient and wait for God.


Challenge :7
Be patient - is a command which expresses the attitude we are to have trusting in God. ...

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