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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: Psalm 68:1-35
This content is part of a series.

Title: Can a Dead Man Really Live Again? (1 of 11)
Series: Questions for God
Author: Jim Perdue
Text: Psalm 68


- Happy Easter! Today, we are starting a new sermon series called Questions for God. Over the next several weeks, we'll be looking at some of the most important questions in the history of humanity. And today, I can't think of a more appropriate question than this, Can a Dead Man Really Live Again? Much of this series, the questions we ask will come from the book of Psalms in the Old Testament. There are a lot of deep questions in the Psalms. Today, we will be in Psalm 68. READ 1-3, 18-20, 32-35

- *If you could sit down and have a conversation with anyone in the world throughout all of history, who would you choose? I did a bit of research with Google and discovered the most popular answer to that question. Some people would want to sit down with former presidents like Abraham Lincoln or Teddy Roosevelt. Others wanted to meet famous actors or actresses. Some even said they would love to talk to their ancestors who passed away many years ago. Just to sit down and have a conversation and talk about their lives. But did you know the most popular answer to this question? Who would people want to talk to more than anyone else? The most popular answer to this question may or may not come as a surprise to you. Out of all the people to whom most wanted to talk, God is at the top of the list. And if you could talk to God, what would you talk about? I bet some of you would have a few questions for God. When my kids were little, some of the questions they would ask were really tough. You had the typical, "Where do babies come from?" Or, "What happened to the dinosaurs?" Those aren't as hard as ones like these: "Is Jesus taller than Goliath?" "Can Jesus run faster than our car?" "If Jesus and Samson got into a fight, who do you think would win?" Or this one, "If Jesus is God and He always existed isn't He older than Methuselah? Then why did He die w ...

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