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by Jeff Strite

Scripture: Genesis 29:16-31
This content is part of a series.

Sermon: The Woman With Weak Eyes
Sermon Series: Dysfunctional Families & God's Grace (3 of 6)
Preacher: Jeff Strite
Text: Genesis 29:16-31

A lady was walking down the street on her way to work and saw a parrot in a pet store. She went in to admire the bird, and suddenly the parrot spoke to her, "Hey lady. You're ugly."

Well, the woman was deeply offended, and she stormed out of the store. But on her way home, she thought she'd been a bit rash, and so she stopped into the store again. But the same parrot saw her and said, "Hey lady, you are REALLY ugly."

She could hardly speak and rushed out of the store to go home. But the next day she stormed back into the store and the parrot once again said, "Hey lady, you are SO ugly."

She was so furious that she went to the owner and threatened to sue the store. The owner was apologetic... and he promised the bird wouldn't say it again.

A week later she went to the store again and the parrot spoke again: "Hey, lady!"
She paused and glared at the bird: "Yes?"

And the bird said... "You know."

We've all heard the saying - "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder."

AND IT IS! Different cultures have different ways of seeing beauty.

For example: In many western cultures (like the U.S.) TANNED SKIN is seen as a sign of great beauty. To achieve this... women and men will use tanning beds, tanning enhancers, fake tans, and bronzers. But, in many Asian countries - LIGHTER SKIN is more desirable. Pale skin is seen as a sign of beauty, youth and wealth. To achieve this, many women will apply sunscreen religiously, use skin lightening creams, and wear large sun hats, or special visors,the%20eye%20of%20the%20beholder.

Then there are people who take beauty one step further.

In Japan, women will go to orthodontists to have extensive work done on their teeth to ...

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