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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: Revelation 7:1-17

Title: God's Greatness and Goodness
Scripture: Revelation 7
Author: Jerry N Watts

-Stuart Hamblin wrote these lyrics:

Though man may strive to go beyond the reef of space to crawl beyond the distant glimm'ring stars.
This world's a room, so small within my Master's house, the open sky but a portion of His yard!

-Too often in our preaching/teaching or at least the desire for our preaching/teaching, starts from or begins with the wrong premise. Honestly, the 21st century America culture, almost demands it. The attitude is, "You need to preach to me and my needs, that is what I need." This is the result of the 3 decades of the Church Growth moment and an upside-down society who have been largely raised to believe that "It's all about me." Sadly, I say, "It's not all about you", "It's not all about me", and "it's not even all about mankind." This book is all about Jehovah God. The story of creation, the fall of man, the flood, the Red Sea, and all the rest is God's story, mankind simply gets to play a part in His story. We see God creating the world, that is, putting it all together. We see God all through the Bible, watching over, caring for man to orchestrate man's redemption. Now in the Revelation, we clearly see Jehovah (the One on the Throne) in conclusion of this world.

-When time is drawn to a close, it will be all about Him. The only earthly thing we can do is to find Him, forsake our fallen self, and follow Him. The best thing I, as your pastor can do, is give you our Father God, who you His Son Jesus, and point you to the Holy Spirit. My life and yours will only be made better by His goodness and greatness. That is the title of today's Message, "God's Goodness and Greatness."

-Is He really good and great? We sing about it; "God is good, all the time, He put a song of praise in this heart of mine." "It's your breath in our lungs, so we pour out our praise, pour out our praise - Great are you Lord."

-We could go on and on, but here's ...

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