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by Craig Smith

Scripture: Luke 15:11-24
This content is part of a series.

Title: Sin Separates (2 of 4)
Series: What Matters Most
Scripture: Luke 15: 11-24
Author: Craig Smith

I. Where are we going

Why tattoos? Because you don't just get a tattoo for anything. You get a tattoo of what matters
most. Btw: I was told growing up the Bible forbids tattoos but when I actually looked at what
the Bible says I found that the only place the Bible speaks negatively of a tattoo it's talking about
marking the body as part of pagan mourning rituals. I also found Rev 19:16 that says On his robe
and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. (Rev 19:16)
Sure sounds like a tattoo to me!

But notice what's not written on his thigh: not from Nazareth, not miracle worker, not prophet.
Those things are all true and they matter...but at the end of the day, they're not what matter
most. What matters most is that he is king of kings and lord of lords. But the bottom line is that
most people, and certainly wise people, would only get a tattoo of something they had come to
hold a deep conviction about. You would only get a tattoo of what mattered most.
And that's what this series is all about: what matters most in the Christian faith. Instead of
getting captured by complexity, we want to be set free by simplicity. And at its heart, the
Christian faith is surprisingly simple: there are five foundational truths that form the heart of the
christian faith.

Last week we talked about the Trinity, the truth the Bible teaches that there is one God of three
persons in infinite unity.

Today we're going to talk about the foundational truth that Sin separates.
But before we talk about why that is, let's talk about what sin is. Sometimes people are
confused. So let me try to clear up some confusion. A lot of the biblical words for sin are about
crossing lines and I think there are basically three kinds of lines we're not supposed to cross:
[put up sin boundaries image]

- God's character - God i ...

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