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by Craig Smith

Scripture: Mark 1:4-11
This content is part of a series.

Title: One God of Three Persons (1 of 4)
Series: What Matters Most
Scripture: Mark 1:4-11
Author: Craig Smith

I. Where Are We Going
Celebrate some things God did last weekend:

- First off, I want to say thank you for something: we asked our regular attenders to
consider living on mission with Jesus by coming to a Saturday evening service to make
room for visitors during the prime time Sunday services...and you did it! Saturday evening
at 5 was actually the highest attended service of the weekend. So thank you for that!

- We encouraged you to invite friends and family who don't normally come to church and
there were hundreds of people who came for the first time because of those invitations.

-Which is probably why this past Easter was the largest Easter attendance in our history as
a church: between our three campuses, 8,386 people joined us at Mission Hills! This past
week a pastor asked me about this and I told him and he said "I'm impressed that you
didn't round that number. That's an integrity move" and I said, "no, it's a mission
move...we don't round because every number has a name, every name has a story, every
story has an ending and every ending has a sequel...eternity with God or eternity without
him. That's why we don't round numbers."

- And speaking of eternity with God: 30 people said yes to faith in Jesus for the first time
this past weekend!

- [pray]

We're starting a new message series today and to kick us off, I brought a couple of my favorite
books. [bring out big theology books] These books are filled with explanations of what we call
doctrine which is all the different beliefs that make up the Christian faith. Now if the idea of that
many beliefs is a little...overwhelming...then there's a word for you: lazy. Just kidding! The word for you is normal.

And here's some good news: while everything that's in these books matters, but not everything
matters most. When I used to teach something ...

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