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by Craig Smith

Scripture: Judges 15:1-19
This content is part of a series.

Title: When Rights Go Wrong
Series: The Illusion of Strength (3 of 4)
Scripture: Judges 15:1-19
Author: Craig Smith

I. Where Are We Going?

I know today is Family Weekend at Mission Hills, and that means that the age range of our audience is a little wider than usual. But let me see if I can get us all on the same page:

a. How many of us have ever had a conflict with someone? Maybe a brother or a sister, a friend, a parent or a kid, a spouse, a co-worker, a neighbor?

b. Now can we just be real with each other? How many of us have ever done or said something in a conflict with someone that we wish we hadn't? Maybe said something we wish we could take back or did something we later regretted? I sure have. I remember when I was a kid, my sister and I had a lot of conflict. And at one point we had this kind of ongoing feud where she would do something to me so I would do something to her and back and forth. And at one point, she was really mad at me so she kicked my dog. Not super hard, but hard enough to really make me mad, so I was like, I'm going to get her back. Long story short, we had an electric fence around the back yard and it had to be unhooked to get the mower back there, and it was her job to unhook it, so she goes, "is it off" and I said "yes." But here's the thing...I lied. It was still on, and when she grabbed it and started convulsing...well, I'm not proud of this, but at the time, I was like, "that'll teach you." I was pretty sure I had finished it, but then she told my parents and when my parents asked me what I had done it, I went with a tried and true legal defense that people have been using for centuries. I said: "she started it."

c. How many of us have ever tried to claim that we had a right to do something that was actually wrong because someone else had started it? How many of us have ever said, "they started it" or maybe even "they deserved it"?

I want to talk to you today about when rights go wrong, about what happens w ...

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