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by Craig Smith

Scripture: Judges 14:1-20
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Source of Our Weakness
Series: The Illusion of Strength (2 of 4)
Scripture: Judges 14:1-20
Author: Craig Smith

I. Where Are We Going?
The problem isn't that you don't have enough strength. The problem is that you're wasting it on things it wasn't meant for.

As I was getting ready for this message, I came across a little poem and it was so good and made such a powerful point that I printed it out and taped it to the wall in my office. Here's what it says:

A few will end in ashes
A few go up in flames
But most will wither inch by inch
From playing silly games

The point, for those of you who are poetically challenged, is that most people don't flame out, they burn out. Most people don't make one big, out-of-the-blue, catastrophic mistake that blows their life up. What most of us do is waste the strength god has given us by making a series of small, stupid mistakes that leave us weak when we most need to be strong.

Last week, as we kicked off The Illusion of Strength series on the life of Samson, we saw that the source of our strength is our connection to God. And because God is infinite, there's no limit to the strength God can pour into us. We'll never run out of God's strength, but what happens far too often is we end up wasting that strength in ways that actually end up cutting us off from the very source of it.

Let me show you what I mean. If you want to follow along, we're going to be in Judges 14 today. And what we're going to see today are four common mistakes we all tend to make that waste the strength God gives us and, ultimately, cuts us off from the source of that strength.

II. What Does God Say?

Samson went down to Timnah and saw there a young Philistine woman. 2 When he returned, he said to his father and mother, "I have seen a Philistine woman in Timnah; now get her for me as my wife." (Jdg 14:1-2)

Now that's a problem, ok? One of the ways God had told the Israelites that they were to demonstrate their devot ...

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