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by Craig Smith

Scripture: Judges 13:1-25
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Source of Our Strength
Series: The Illusion of Strength (1 of 4)
Scripture: Judges 13:1-25
Author: Craig Smith

I. Where Are We Going?
The problem isn't that you're not strong enough. The problem is that you're not connected enough to the One who is.

A few years ago, Coletta and I were climbing at the Garden of the Gods. If you're not from Colorado and you don't know what that is, it's this amazing city park in Colorado Springs with these crazy rock formations. [show GoG1]. Ok, so we were climbing and there's a guy watching us and when I came down from a route, he told me there was another route where someone must have retreated before they made it to the top and they left a bunch of gear. So we go over to this route and I climbed it to get the gear. Now, about half-way up the route there was this one section with this big flake of rock. It was a big chunk of rock sticking out from the wall and it was a climber's dream because, at the top of it, it was separated a little from the rest of the rock face and you could really get a good grip on the top of this outcropping. But there was something in the back of my mind that said, "be careful here." So I kind of tapped on the outcropping and it seemed strong, it seemed stable but I just didn't feel right about it, so I moved over on the wall a little bit and avoided that piece. Ok, so I get to the top and I've got like $100 worth of gear that was left behind and Coletta lowered me down and the guy who shoed us the route says, "Hey, do you mind if I jump on your rope and try the route?" I didn't feel like I could say no, so he harnesses up, gets tied in and starts to climb. Ok, so he gets to that one flake that just felt hinky to me, and he reaches up over the top, sinks his hands and just tried to hall himself up on that flake...well, he pulled it right off the wall. I actually found a picture of where it used to be [GoG2]. The piece he pulled off was big, you can kind of see how big in the picture.. ...

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