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by Bob Wickizer

Scripture: EXODUS 20:1-17, I CORINTHIANS 1:18-25, JOHN 2:13-22, PSALMS 19:1-14

What Would Jesus Do with Tis War?
Bob Wickizer
Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 19; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22
3 Lent

Perhaps it is ironic that in the middle of the first war of this millennium we hear the Ten Commandments. "THOU SHALT NOT MAKE ANY GRAVEN IMAGES" is our translation of the first commandment. But what about Las Vegas, our modern day temple to profligate waste, excess, gambling, prostitution, drug and alcohol addiction? Can't we just go to Vegas for a few days as entertainment? "NO"

"THOU SHALT NOT BLASPHEME THE NAME OF GOD." But what about when I smack my thumb really hard with a hammer and under my breath or perhaps even louder I swear God's name in vain? Doesn't God forgive me for my occasional outbursts? After all, I'm human. Cut me some slack won't you? "NO"

"THOU SHALT REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY AND KEEP IT HOLY." But we are Christians and we worship on Sunday instead of Saturday. Isn't that OK? What about doing a little extra work on Sundays with some of my friends so we can earn some extra cash? Surely God helps those who help themselves? "NO"

"THOU SHALT HONOR THY FATHER AND MOTHER." Yeah yeah yeah. Mom and Dad always used that one on me when I was a teenager. But now my sister lives in Minneapolis and I don't have time to take care of my parents with all their problems. Isn't it enough just to let them get by on their Social Security checks? "NO"

"THOU SHALT NOT MURDER." But we are fighting a war in Iraq for a just cause. Doesn't that give us the moral high ground in this situation? Aren't we justified killing others on the basis of the righteousness of our cause? "NO"

"THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY." Even President Carter talked about looking at other women with "lust in his heart." Besides, my twenty five year marriage is kind of shaky, I've been working really hard for several years and I don't feel appreciated at home. The kids are all grown and gone so am I not entitled to just one l ...

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