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by Craig Smith

Scripture: Genesis 2:18-24
This content is part of a series.

Series: Marriage Matters
Title: Marriage Matters
Text: Genesis 2:18-24
Author: Craig Smith

I. Where Are We Headed?
Who here is currently married? Who here is currently engaged to be married? Who here is
thinking they might get married at some point in their lives? Who here knows someone who is
married? Ok, I think that's everybody.

Now the reason I ask that is because we're starting a new series today and it's a short series, but
it's an important series and it's built on one very simple idea: marriage matters a lot to
it should matter a lot to us.

And I believe that's true, even if you're not married. I believe that's true, even if you think you'll
never get married. First, because you might be wrong, ok? You never know what God's going to
do, who God's going to bring into your life, maybe when you least expect it. And second, because
even if you don't ever get married - and by the way, that's ok. Marriage matters to God, but it's
not what matters most to God. You living your life in a way that honors God and serves
others...that's what matters most. The bible actually says that single people have some
significant advantages over married people when it comes to living on mission with Jesus. So if
you're single...and you're seizing those would be a huge mistake to think that
you're somehow missing out on what matters most, ok? You're not going to get to heaven and
have God ask... Marriage matters to God, but it's not what matters most to God. But...even if
you're not married and you never get married, how you think about marriage still matters
because you have people in your life that you care about who are married. And I love what my
friend Ted Cunningham says. He says, Marriage is a duet in need of great backup singers. - Ted
Cunningham. So no matter what your marital status, marriage matters to God, so it should
matter to us.

And I want to talk to you today about why that is, and ...

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