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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Judges 16:1-31
This content is part of a series.

Title: In The End
Series: Samson (4 of 4)
Scripture: Judges 16
Author: Tim Badal

My hope and prayer is that as we wrap up the book of Judges on the life of Samson, that again God would work in our lives. In Judges 13, we're introduced to Manoah and his wife, during a time when things weren't going well for the nation of Israel. It was also a time that wasn't good for them, because they were barren. However, God told them He would bring a leader and deliverer to Israel and that it would be none other than their own son.

Now God also gave them some conditions concerning this child. Manoah's wife needed to be careful during her pregnancy to stay away from strong drink. Then after the boy was born, he was to take the Nazirite vow, committing himself completely to the Lord by not touching anything that was unclean, not drinking alcohol and never cutting his hair. So Manoah and his wife obeyed, Samson was born, then about 15-20 years into his life, he was disobedient to his parents, doing the very things he wasn't supposed to do. He was playing around with sin, making his life into a sport. Little did he know the damage he was about to encounter.

Going his own way, he sought to marry a Philistine woman, although the Philistines were Israel's enemies. During the wedding celebration, Samson made a bet with the groomsmen involving a riddle, offering 30 suits of clothing to the winner. It was related to something he did in a vineyard, which is where he should not have been, playing around with the carcass of a dead lion he had killed. The guys couldn't figure out the riddle, although they tried for three days. Then they went to Samson's wife, who was then able to get the answer from Samson. Their victory inflamed Samson, so he went out and killed 30 innocent men, stole their clothing and brought that back to the men. As a result, it started a tit-for-tat battle, kind of like a game of tennis where each side sought revenge against the other. It got wo ...

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