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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 1:39-45
This content is part of a series.

Title: Best Friends Forever
Series: Birth Narrative Series (4 of 6)
Scripture: Luke 1:39-45
Author: Zach Terry

INTRODUCTION: A verse by verse study through a book of the New Testament is much like taking a cruise down a long and flowing river. Each day the Captain stops at a new port of call. You disembark on an excursion and discover all of the things that this particular port has to offer. To a casual traveler these stops may seem monotonous. You see one port of call, you've seen them all. But, an experienced guide may show you those things which you will only find in that particular port. If the guide does his job well, you will return from each excursion changed, enlightened, edified.

Well, our cruise down the River of Luke has brought us to a few ports thus far. At our first stop, we saw that 400 year intertestamental period, then we journeyed to Jerusalem to observe the Angelic visitation of Zachariah the Priest. From there we made our way to that sacred moment that Mary was made aware of her calling as the earthly mother of the Messiah. Today we have the opportunity to observe a precious expression of friendship between two ladies who love God with all their heart - Mary and Elizabeth.

CONTEXT: Remember that Mary had been visited by Gabriel as he announced what was soon to happen as the Holy Spirit would come over her and the power of God would over shadow her as the Eternal Son of God would step into time and space in the form of a human embryo.

Just as a screen was lifted over King Charles as the church of England poured the anointing oil over the newly crowned Monarch.The actual account of the moment of conception occurred behind the veil of history. It is not recorded in the text, nor in any of the Gospel account. We are told it will happen, then we are told it had happened. When we pick up in verse 39 as Mary is Journeying to the hill country of Judah, she is already with child.

Look with me in verse 39...
TEXT: Luke 1:39-45 (ESV) ...

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