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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 1:26-38
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Annunciation
Series: Birth Narrative Series (3 of 6)
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38
Author: Zach Terry

INTRODUCTION: We really love Christmas in the Terry household. As a matter of fact every single morning our youngest daughter has chosen to awakened by the song, "Last Christmas" by Mariah Carey... and since her volume is set to 10, the rest of us wake up to it as well, whether we want to or not.

So I am very comfortable speaking from a text that is typically reserved for Christmas here in spring of the year. In fact, I believe there are some distinct advantages to looking at the Christmas story apart from the Christmas season.

You see the sentimental affection we have for Christmas can obscure the doctrinal propositions of the text itself. So let's look at the story today, without snow flakes, without the smell of gingerbread, no sugarplums, let read the story and see what God has for us.

CONTEXT: Last week we saw the announcement of a very special birth the Zachariah and Elizabeth. If you remember, Elizabeth hid herself for 5 months until she began to show that she was obviously pregnant. Verse 26 picks up in the 6th month of Elizabeth's pregnancy...

TEXT: Luke 1:26-27 (ESV)
26 In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth,

Now in the OT you will not find the region of Galilee. This region became called by the name Galilee during the intertestamental period. The word Galilee means "circuit". The region had about 20 cities that had been given by Solomon to Hiram the King of Tyre, who provided Cedar for the building of the Temple. During the Intertestamental time the name Galilee referred to the northern third of Israel - you had Galilee, Samaria, then Judea.

Galilee itself was divided into two portions - Upper Galilee and Lower Galilee. Upper Galilee was called, "Galilee of the Gentiles". This was the most irreligious and despised region of Israel outside of the Samaritan people.

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