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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Judges 14:1-24, Judges 14
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Way of the Wayward
Series: The Life of Samson | Part 2
Scripture: Judges 14
Author: Tim Badal

Let's turn to the Book of Judges as we continue looking at the life and times of Samson in our series entitled "Samson: The Flawed Fighter." I want to encourage you to follow along and take some notes as we move forward in our study together. I would also encourage you to visit our website where there are study guides for each of our weeks in Judges. These materials are available so you can glean and apply even more truth than from just the sermon alone.

Last time we started our series on Samson but we actually didn't talk about Samson at all. Instead we talked about his parents: Manoah and his unnamed mother. They were faithful and godly people. Now we're going to look at Judges 14 and there seems to have been a large amount of time that has passed. Samson has gone from being a child promised to his parents to a young man looking for a wife. He is either in his late teenage years or in his early twenties. So today we're going to learn about Samson as a young man.

Our first glimpse of Samson leads to a bad first impression. God had blessed Samson with strength, great parents and the Holy Spirit stirring within him at the end of Judges 13. Now we're going to see that Samson is heading down the road of disobedience. Like so many of us, he is following the route of the wayward.

As we read through this passage of Scripture we're going to see some checkpoints. There are some warning signs to Samson that the way he is heading is going to bring great trials and tribulation into his life. Though Samson doesn't see them, hopefully you and I will see them. Sometimes we need to look at someone else's life, see the inherent danger in some of their bad decisions and then apply that to our lives.

Let's read Judges 14. It's a long passage of Scripture but it reads like a Hollywood story with many incredible things happening. The story that se ...

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