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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Judges 13:1-32
This content is part of a series.

Title: Samson: A Man for his Times
Series: The Life of Samson | Part 1
Scripture: Judges 13
Author: Tim Badal

Welcome to the Book of Judges. We've just finished our long series looking at the most well-known sermon in all of human history: the Sermon on the Mount. We invested a great deal of time-both in our small groups and as a church body-looking at Matthew 5, 6 and 7.

For the next five weeks we're going to dedicate our time to looking at the biography of a pretty amazing guy in the Old Testament. I'm using "amazing" both in the good sense and the bad sense. We're going to be looking at the life of Samson during the month of June. We're going to look at one of the most enigmatic characters of all Scripture. He is the flawed fighter himself: the man Samson. You can find Samson's life and biography in Judges 13-16.

As we look at the life of Samson I am confident that you have heard the name of Samson before, whether you have been a follower of Jesus Christ for a long time or are brand new to Christianity and the church altogether. And if you know Samson, then you probably know his girlfriend Delilah. Samson-this great man of strength whose exploits are known to believers and non-believers alike-is who we're going to be studying.

As we explore this biography, we're going to see that Samson's story could come right out of Hollywood's biggest blockbuster movie. We're going to see a "script" filled with blood and gore, war and love, seduction and betrayal and an ending that would put the viewers on the edges of their seats.

Yet with all that being said, the story of Samson is also a great tragedy. His life begins so brightly; in fact, the name Samson literally means "shining sun." He is full of so much hope and raw potential, yet Samson will show us that even amid such a glowing start, failure after failure leads to more heartache and trouble than anyone should ever have to endure.

That's exactly what Samson is going to endure. He is given incr ...

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